Who are we

We are a consulting start-up with the vision of ‘Mainstreaming the practice of Gender Lens Investing (GLI) in order to achieve drastic decrease in covert and overt biases or disadvantages pertaining to aspects of gender, identity, socio-economy and their intersectionality thereof, in the investment industry’.

We aim to empower investors, particularly impact investors, to apply a gender lens in their investment strategies.

We also work with other industry stakeholders, such as intermediaries and enterprises, to apply a gender lens to their approaches and operations.

Our People

Swati Pujari

Gender Lens Project is founded by Swati Pujari. Swati is a development and impact investment professional with several years of experience in South Asia and the UK. Swati has a post-graduate degree on Local Economic Development from the LSE where her research focused on gender lens investing.